About us
We are crazy about designer handbags and want to share this passion with you. We bought all our bags for our personal use from original designer stores. We would never ever wear a fake. Therefore, our bags are 100% genuine and we wear them with a lot of tender love and care. Now we want to share them with you.
If you love designer bags as much as we do, get in touch with us via email to mybagly@gmail.com or visit our website at www.mybagly.com.
MyBAGly is located in Statenkwartier, The Hague, The Netherlands.
Wij zijn gek op designer tassen en willen deze passie met jou delen. Elke handtas hebben wij bij originele merk winkels voor ons zelf gekocht. We zouden nooit een fake dragen. Daarom zijn onze merktassen 100% echt en wij dragen ze met veel liefde en zorg. Nu willen we ze ook met jou delen.
Als je ook zo van designer tassen houdt, neem contact op via email naar mybagly@gmail.com of ga naar onze website www.mybagly.com.
MyBAGly is still very new and we just opened our webstore. We apologize for any bugs, mistakes or inconveniences. We work hard to make your experience as good and easy as possible. If you have any feedback or suggestions please drop us an email. Thank you!